Your Gunnison & Crested Butte Valley Partner for All of Your Excavation Needs.

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About Anthracite Excavation

Our Excavation experts will help you with all of your dirt work needs.

We established Anthracite Excavation Dirt Work services to address a gap in the Gunnison and Crested Butte Valley. With our family’s deep roots spanning many generations in this Valley, our service decisions are deeply informed by its needs. Gunnison is grappling with deteriorating infrastructure, and we are committed to contributing to its revitalization in the most effective manner possible.

Drawing upon our extensive experience in dirt work and excavation, we stand ready to tackle projects of any scale, ranging from small tasks to large endeavors. Our specialization lies in general excavation, dirt work, foundation digs, septic system installations, dirt road maintenance, dirt road grading, dirt road building, as well as sewer line repairs and water line repairs.

Equipped with a comprehensive array of machinery, including skidsters, dump trucks, front-end loaders, as well as small and efficient mini excavators and bobcats, we are capable of addressing both broad and intricate aspects of projects.

Whatever your dirt work and excavation needs may be, we are here to assist you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any inquiries, whether apparent or not.

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Gunnison and Crested Butte Excavation Services

Areas We Serve

Crested Butte Valley


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John Doe

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Jenny Doe

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Mark Doe
